MHChkBin:\Sclear the check bin, containing directories to be searched under.
MHKyFBin:\Sclear the key bin, containing keys to be searched for.
MHTypBin:\Sclear the type bin, containing examples of filetypes to be considered.
MHFilBin:\Sclear the file bin, containing entire files to be searched for.
MHNamBin:\Sclear the name bin, containing examples of filenames to be searched for.
MHDayBin:\Sclear the day bin, containing files created on the days to be considered.
MHStpBin:\Sclear the time stamp bin, containing examples of datestamps to be searched for.
RepHead:{Task} [Version %0] Report File
RepPara:Parameters for this hunt:
RepDirs:Directories searched and files checked:
RepKeyF:Key files:
RepKeyA:Alphanumeric key
RepNoKy:All files that were checked were matched
RepType:File types to check keys with:
RepNoTy:All file types will be checked
RepLdEx:Load and execution addresses to check:
RepNoLE:All untyped files will be checked
RepFilB:Files with these characteristics will be matched:
RepNamB:Files with these names will be matched:
RepStpB:Files with these datestamps will be matched:
RepDayT:(+/- 1 day)
RepHrTo:(+/- 60 minutes)
RepLogH:Log of this hunt:
RepMtch:Matching file: %0
RepBigF:Large file: %0 (%1 bytes)
RepMKey: (Matches key file %0)
RepMKyA: (Matches alphanumeric key "%0")
RepMBig: (File larger than threshold: file size %0 bytes)
RepMFil: (File match: %0)
RepMNam: (Name match)
RepMStp: (Datestamp match: %0)
RepAbor:Hunt aborted by user before completion
RepStrt:Hunt started at %0 on %1
RepStop:Hunt ended at %0 on %1
RepMins:Time taken: %0 minutes
RepSecs:Time taken: %0 seconds
RepChe1:%0 object checked, %1 bytes
RepChe2:%0 objects checked, %1 bytes
RepMat1:%0 object matched, %1 bytes
RepMat2:%0 objects matched, %1 bytes
RepDel1:%0 object deleted, %1 bytes
RepDel2:%0 objects deleted, %1 bytes
Action7:Loading key file
Action12:Perform action on
Action15:Performing action on
Paused:Paused %0
Error:Error while %0
ErrorC:Error while %0:
Check:objects checked
Match:objects matched
Delete:objects deleted
ToGo:objects remaining
HIcon:This is the Kasoft %0 file utility's icon
HIconA:Click \s to hunt for particular files by specifying portions of their contents (keys), giving information about the time they were created or specifying their name etc.
HInfo:This \w displays information about this version of {Task}.
HHInfo:This \w shows the progress of the hunt currently being carried out by {Task}.
HBAbort:\Sabort the hunt.
HBPause:\Stemporarily suspend the hunt.
HBCont:\Sresume hunting.
HBRun:\Srun this object.
HBView:\Sopen a viewer containing this object.
HBSkip:\Sskip this object.
HBYes:\Soperate on this object.
HBQuiet:\Soperate on all further objects without confirmation.
HBRestrt:\Srestart the operation on this object.
HBRetry:\Sretry the activity which failed.
HSave:This box allows you to save data in a file, or transfer it to another application.
HSave0:Click here to save the data with the current filename. If it is not a full pathname, you must drag the icon to a directory first.
HSave2:This shows the filename for this data. If it is not a full pathname, drag the icon into a directory display.
HSave3:Drag this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file. Or, drag it to the program into which you want to transfer the data.
HStrt:This \w allows you to set up the search parameters for the next hunt.
HStrt5:Drag files and directories to this bin to have their contents considered during the hunt.
HStrt6:Drag key files to this bin. {Task} will match files if they contain a key file.
HStrt7:Drag files to this bin to limit the files checked to those having the same file types or load and execution addresses.
HStrt8:Drag files to this bin which you wish to search for. Files with the same type and length will be matched.
HStrt9:Drag objects to this bin to match all objects with the same leafname.
HStrt10:Drag files to this bin to match all files created on the same day.
HStrt11:Drag objects to this bin to match all objects with a similar datestamp.
HStrt14:\Sbe prompted for the desired action to be taken with matching files.
HStrt15:\SDELETE (forever!) matching files.
HStrt16:\Sload matching files into Edit.
HStrt17:\Scarry out the command to the right with all matching files. The system variable |<file> refers to the pathname of the matching file.
HStrt18:\Tthe command that will be carried out for each matching file.
HStrt19:Click \s if you are hunting on an Econet fileserver and you would like to avoid errors caused by names invalid under RISC OS.
HStrt19S:Click \s if you are hunting on an Econet fileserver which does not allow clients to use $, &, %, @, \\, ^, :, ., #, *, " or || in filenames.
HStrt20:Click \s if you are hunting in directories that are nested deeply to avoid errors when dealing with them.
HStrt20S:Click \s if you are hunting in directories that are not nested beyond eight or so levels.
HStrt21:Click \s if you would like errors to be recorded in the report file.
HStrt21S:Click \s if you would prefer that errors were not recorded in the report file.
HStrt22:Click \s if you would like errors to be ignored. This allows {Task} to automatically skip errors and run unattended.
HStrt22S:Click \s if you would like errors to bring up filer error boxes as normal.
HStrt23:Click \s if you would like {Task} to open a window displaying information on the progress of the hunt.
HStrt23S:Click \s if you would prefer {Task} to run without opening a progress window.
HStrt24:Click \s if you would like {Task} to confirm whether matching objects are deleted.
HStrt24S:Click \s if you would prefer {Task} to delete files without confirmation.
HStrt25:Click \s if you would prefer {Task} allowed other programs to run during the Hunt.
HStrt25S:Click \s if you would like {Task} to take over the machine during the Hunt.
HStrt26:\Sprevent {Task} from checking keys against files larger than the specified value.
HStrt26S:\Sforce {Task} to check files against keys regardless of size (limited by free memory).
HStrt27:\Tis the size of smallest file considered to be 'big'.
HStrt29:\Sforce {Task} to match files larger than the file length threshold.
HStrt29S:\Sstop {Task} from matching files larger than the file length threshold.
HStrt30:\Sforce {Task} to record files larger than the file length threshold in the report file.
HStrt30S:\Sstop hunter automatically recording files larger than the file length threshold in the report file.
HStrt31:\Sensure {Task} only checks files altered on or since the given date aginst the keys.
HStrt31S:\Sallow {Task} to check files against the keys regardless of their datestamp.
HStrt32:Enter the required date.
HStrt34:Enter the required month number.
HStrt36:Enter the required year number.
HStrt50:This box allows you to specify the location of the report file.
HStrt38:This box allows you to specify the location of the report file.
HStrt39:This shows the filename which will be used for the report. If it is not a full pathname, drag the icon into a directory display.
HStrt40:Drag this icon to the directory in which you want the report file to be stored. The hunt will be started and the report file opened.
HStrt41:Click here to open a report with the current filename and start the hunt. If it is not a full pathname, you must drag the icon to a directory first.
HStrt42:Click here to start hunting without opening a report file.
HStrt43:Click here to close the window if you decide that you do not wish to start hunting.
HStrt37:\Slimit checking of files against keys to those of matching file types.
HStrt37S:\Signore the file types of key files.
HStrt51:\Sopen a taskwindow to pipe the report file into.|MThe report file must be saved to Pipe:$.|MPipe:$ is opened to allow this.
HStrt51S:\Ssend the report to a file, to be viewed at a later time.
HNewKey:Enter the value for a new alphanumeric key. The filetype will be text, which may be significant if you choose the 'only if key file type is the same' option.